Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Lawn Bowls Section will be held on 1st Floor of the Club, on Thursday, 21 March, 2019 at 7.00 pm.  The Agenda will include the presentation of annual reports of existing Officers of the Committee, consideration of the section’s annual accounts, election of the Officers for the coming year, any items of business notified at least seven days in advance of the AGM in accordance with Clause 8.5 of the Section’s Bye-laws and Any Other Business Items raised by members present. Should there be any items of business to be considered in the AGM, Section Members shall email the request to the Secretary at in accordance with the said Section’s Bye-Law. The final Agenda will be placed on the Notice Board and circulated to Section Members by e mail immediately following the closure date for nominations of Officers and submission of Agenda items.

All Section Members are invited and encouraged to take part in the nomination of the Officers to serve on the Lawn Bowls Section Committee and to attend the AGM in order to take part in the voting. However, in accordance with the Clause 9.14 of the Section Bye-laws, any Section Members in arrears with their Club subscriptions or Section Levy, or any Section Member who is suspended from the Club or the Lawn Bowls Section, are not eligible to nominate or second Officers. By the same token, they are not allowed to vote at the AGM.

Nomination and election of Committee Officers

  1. Nomination by Section Members of the Officers shall be carried out in accordance with the Section’s Bye-laws and the Procedures for Nomination as attached herewith and to be made available on the Section’s Notice Board together with the appropriate nominations forms.
  2. The Officers will be elected only by Section Members who are present at the AGM and are eligible to vote according to Clause 9.14 in the Bye-laws. The voting will be conducted by ballots and will be monitored by the Chairman and two scrutinizers appointed by the Chairman.
  3. The Lawn Bowls Section General Committee Representative will be nominated and endorsed at the AGM and the Honorary Secretary will be notified, in compliance with the Articles of the Association of the Club, for nomination and election at the next Annual General Meeting of the Club.
  4. Nominations of Officers using the appropriate forms on the Notice Board will be accepted up to seven (7) days before the proposed date and time for commencement of the AGM.

Kevin Lee, Secretary

For and By Order of the Lawn Bowls Section Committee

21 February 2019